Sunday, May 28, 2006


I've been addicted to blog hopping lately and not to mention that I've benn constantly updating my blog in I decided to make a another one than that of my friendster's. I wanted it to be purely "blog". I actualy made one already but that was months ago and it was unmaintined and so here I am...
I don't expect my blog to be frequently visited. Having few friends visit it once in a while is ok. Having pour out what I feel for the day, flaunt pictures and share some iformation and trivias through my blog is more than ok already.
Watch out for my blog, you lucky one! I will constanly update this with...hmmm... let us just see.
I mostly get inspirations from the blogs I get to visit, mostly are funny so maybe expect this one to be funny or maybe not! aaargh! Let us just see.

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