Saturday, October 02, 2010

Octubre de Uno

Imagine just how time moves so fast. I am a bum for 3 months now (plus a few days). I am waiting.... Everybody hates the waiting part, don't you agree? It is alright. I still feel blessed spending quality time with my family, friends and boyfriend. I also spend more time for myself, discovering new things! I am trying new hobbies for now. I really want to maximize the time I have right now. I stay connected with friends near or far. You know I can not use the excuse, "busy ko eh!" not to see them because I have all the time in the world right now, for crying out loud! I am truly blessed.

Today, I went to hear the first Friday mass with M. I was surprised he was in my place earlier than I expect him to be. We went to church together and I was able to listen to the gospel and homily well. The church was not that crowded or too noisy. I have to be honest, what I dislike about going to church on Sundays especially in big churches is because people come in and out and there's just too much noise that i easily get distracted. I am sorry that my will to concentrate with the priest's gospel or homily is not that strong. I always like going to church on weekdays. Back to the gospel and the homily, it was about St. Therese of the Child Jesus. It reminds us to be child-like so that we can enter the Father's Kingdom. Child-like and not childish. I will always keep that in mind. :)

After we went to the church, M and I ordered XL-sized Calda pizza for the family. It was our first time in Calda Pizza. You know how Bacolod is crazy about huge-sized pizzas, right? I will probably make a blog entry about it soon. When we get home, Mama asked me to buy ice cream to go with the pizza. That was our dinner! I was really happy because we were so full and had a good time.

It is Masskara month for Bacolod. :) Cheers everyone and have a great month ahead of us!

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Sweet Celebration :)

Today (Sept. 23), M and I celebrates our 21 months of being a couple. Let me rephrase that, we celebrate our 21 months of loving each other and for the many months to come. Cheers!

He took me to a "cake date". He was supposed to give me a cake weeks ago as a peace offering for an argument we had that I already forgot what was about. I told him we'll just have a cake date on the 23rd and so we did. Instead of the usual Bob's and Calea we went to Miren's Dessert Cafe. I know Miren of Miren Dessert Express. I came across her on-line store 2 years ago. She was Manila-based then but I understand she went to Bacolod regularly. I ordered for a revel bar tray but she couldn't made it that time in Bacolod so I never had the chance to taste the goodies :( But not today! M and I ordered revel bar, chocolate cream cheese square, red velvet cake and a decadent chocolate cake. We all have those goodies just for ourselves! I like the revel bar best. I am just a revel bar person. By the way another revel bar I love is that of Kiosko (not sure of the spelling) in Dumaguete City.

Miren's Cafe is the minimalist kind. They just opened probably this month. The walls match the floor's color which is white. If I am to ask I don't think a white-colored floor is a good choice for a dessert shop. It can easily be stained. I know they are bound for improvements for their interiors soon so I wish them luck. The signage outside is attractive, it is not too flashy.

M and I enjoyed our moments together. We talked about our not-so-distant future. Oh, I feel so old! We talked about wanting our own espresso maker someday. After our "cake date", we walked our way to Robinson's mall which is a few meters away from Miren's. We did some window shopping until around 7PM and we both went home. It's really a happy day for us! Plus, it's one of my friend's birthday, Jade. We celebrated her birthday although she's hundred kilometers away. This is indeed a sweet day. I just love moments like this!

FYI: Miren's is located in Lopue's Mandalagan just beside the Riverside Medical Center Satellite Clinic. Prices of cake slices are around 70php to 80php while the pars are no more than 50php. They also serve cold and hot drinks, a tall glass of their drinks will cost you 80php, an average.

From top left-cream chesse square, red velvet cake, chocolate decadent and my gooey revel bar

That's a tall glass of berry-something.

Playing with their neat coasters :)

This looks simple and neat :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

San Marino Tuna Paella

I wanted to try this canned food because it will be my first time to eat "canned rice". I saw their tv commercial probably 38832059453493 times. If I can only let you hear how they sing "Tunaaaaaaah Paeeeeelyaaaah" in that ad. It is like a song that best suits as a background music for a sex video scandal. Think of "Careless Whisper" in Hayden Kho and Katrina Halili's infamous sex video scandal a year ago. Here's a photo from my Samsung phone.

If I had to rate it I will give it a 6.5. It is not bad tasting and it can really make you full. If you are in hurry and got no time to prepare for your packed lunch, you should try this! It is around 25 pesos if I remember it right. I just find it oily but the tuna chunks are good, they are just enough. So go and try your own "Tunaaaaaah Paeelllyaaaaaaaaaah".

Just Looking Back

I went to see how I wrote blogs 4 years ago. September 2006. I can't believe that was already 4 years. :) In between September 2006 and to-date I think I changed a lot. Four years ago I was bitter, angst-driven, selfish and was pessimistic. I was also 40 pounds lighter, mind you! Today, I am already 24. I TRY my best to be a better person in any way I can although I admit I really am no good at it. But hey, I am trying!


Happy 21 Months For Us :)

Today is a special day because it is the 21st month of being a couple with M. I love this man! =) I just want to marry him someday and raise our kids. Hahahaha!
Since there's no word such as monthsary let me greet him a HAPPY 21 MONTHS OF SOLID LOVING EACH OTHER!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What's In A Bag (version 2010)

I made something like this 4 years ago and I feel like doing it again. Why not especially when you are bored.

And yes, this is my first blog entry after the looooongest time. That was one-heck-of-a-blog-hiatus!

I just came from a children's birthday party yesterday, specifically that of Indie Piccio, daughter of couple Marco and Rahima Piccio. Rahima is a friend since high school and was a block mate in college. I am one of Indie's godmother. I am a godmother to almost ten kids and I am only 24. Here's a quick list of them.

1. Aia - My cousin Johann's daughter, she is turning 7 this December.
2. Teo- Johanna's son to Maurice, he is 3 years old.
3. Jedrick- Udrick and Joan's son. Joanne is giving birth for their second baby soon!
4. Indie- Daughter of Ram and Marco.
5. Yohann- son of Fredelyn and Jeremi. He is 2 years old.
6. Gionne- son of Mea and Jingol. He is also 2 years old.
7. Angelique-daughter of Cheryl Rodrigo.
8. K.I.- son of Ramon. He's 1 year old.

Oh, I have 8. :) I wish I can set a good role example to them!


Here’s a photo of my bag’s contents for yesterday

Starting from top-left that is a hairbrush I asked my aunt to purchase for me while we were in the mall. My sister, Le Nette has the same kind but of different color. It is not Denman or Goody but I believe it is as good. The pink thing is my umbrella case, the umbrella got broken two days ago and I feel bad because it’s expensive but Papa told me we can have it fix. Next in the picture are ponytail holders, a Snitch chocolate bar because I love chocolates for all the wrong and right reasons! My headphones for my Samsung cellphone, wet wipes I purchased in Novo store, it must be fake or cheap and I use it to wipe my face and neck especially under the scorching heat of the sun. That is my red wallet I purchased a month ago. A fan I purchased in Novo, known for its cheap but almost-reliable products. A bottle of Victoria’s Secret cologne spray, Vitresse hair-something. I seldom use the Vitresse but I think it is reliable for those bad hair days whick I rarely experience. A small bottle for alcohol for those quick hand sanitizing moments. My kikay kit, a soiled white hanky because I like white hankies best. My spongebob coin purse. My SM advantage card, a sign pen, a part of the gift Dwight gave me for Christmas, my Samsung cellphone for either Smart or Sun. That is a notepad my friend Roslyn gave me as pasalubong from Manille. Some cash, a purse Lorygil, my former co-worker gave me, a new fresh hanky, face towel, post-its because I like carrying them around. Lubricant, it is always in my kikay kit, I think I got this from my gay friend. Hahaha! Cove rGirl face powder which I do not use, Face Shop’s face powder which I often use, an eye shadow in silver, Careline’s blush on, ponytail holder, tootbrush, eyebrow wax, another eyeshadow by Clinique, water shine lipstick by Maybelline and a toothpaste! That's a lot! :)

The things inside your bag says a lot about you. The photo displayed in your wallet tells a lot about you too. This is really a nice thing to post in your blog so c'mon show me what are teh stuff inside your bag. :)