Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Infinite

Today, March 14 I pretty well accomplished a lot of stuff. I woke up at about 9 which is too early for me. I tried to upload pictures but Multiply is the b*tch that will occasionally give me anUPLOADER FAILED message. This not-so-reliable PC is virtually low in memory so I have to delete gazillion of pictures before it will be completely dead. I went to my aunt's place for a late lunch because they just opened their grocery store and internet cafe which is named WALING-WALING. I find the name funny. I know it's an orchid variety which Davao is famous of. My aunt told me it was because the owner of the building, which is her older sister and brother-in-law, which is now my aunt and uncle or whatever, worked for many places with flowers associated to it. The couple are doctors in Hawaii and I think that explains. If you happen to go to the Pana-ad festival, the said store is located infront of those amusement park rides. I went to my ex-school (hehehe) to request for TOR, diploma and honorary dismissal. I was absent for my IELTS workshop (for the third time) because nong Gene treated me and nong Dino for pizza. I am most cheap. Bribe me with food. ULK. I bought a book. It's Jessica Zafra's Twisted 8. I bought it because the book look great with it's plastic cover, the book store lights did the trick, the infinite sign looks appealing and I really do read Jessica Zafra. I asked nong Gene if the infinite sign looks familiar to him too. He said yes, it's the ribbon people pin on their breast pocket every World AIDS day. He was helpful, really. Look here....

MAYBE there is a similarity but I learn about the infinite sign in algebra class and the AIDS ribbon from, oh, I never learned about it.
The publisher's note is the most interesting. Read this one:

"It is our contribution to the campaign to reduce the amount of stupidity in the world."

I never know there was a campaign. Maybe because I belong to the umbrella of the stupid.
I read the book when I reached home. I read it in between Mari Mar's final episode and commercials.The publisher said you can read it just like when you listen to your IPOD on shuffle mode. That is what I did even with the previous Twisted series. I was a bit disappointed because i expect it to be much like the other Twisted. I hate it when prejudices influence my readings. Dang. I feel like she's less angsty now, which is bad. Zafra is equals to angst. I think that sometimes I write the way she does. On many of my high school random journals they were either influenced by Zafra or Bob Ong. I was once noted to look like her! I used to wear weird shaped eyeglasses in my senior year. I was obese ('til now) and I kinda hate the world. I was like an old maid wanting all people to be equally miserable like me. I studied Zafra's face on one of her book cover. She has a flat nose just like mine (but mine is cute-ier), zits, large eyes and that's all I remember. I am the prettier version of Jessica Zafra. LOL. She's not that ugly, if you think I am trying to implythat she is. Let's say in a ladder she sits on the pretty step while I sit on both the prettier and the prettiest steps.
I like her entry about how she read the Holy Bible when she was a kid. I was exactly like her. I have my own book of Bible stories. I really want to share that experience I had but I have to make another blog entry for that. I don't want to eat much of your time so I have to do it on a separate one.

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