Sunday, January 27, 2008

Welcome back crazy!

After the longest time of having my so-called blog leave, I am back again. Let's see, I have a mistress blog. It's my multiply account. I haven't deleted yet my first multiply account which is I tell you, multiply is user-friendly, themes are ready made and it's like evrything else in one. It's my blog, chat box, photo blog, review blog, links to other sites and etc plus, plus my contacts are increasing. I love my blogspot. It's my first love and I must be honest though this is my first love I had a thought months ago of completely neglecting it but I never thought that the saying" First love never dies" is true. Ok, I have an account on every random sites I know but I try to make this blog the "serious one". You know, for the serious and the old. Kid you. I'll see you later, old lover.

1 comment:

Cordillera Blogger said...

welcome back to blogspot dearie!!! muwah!