Saturday, September 16, 2006


(Enter all the curses and bad words you know here).
I am almost dead. I hate everything. I hate my shampoo for giving me this itch in my head. I hate the internet provider for being fuckingly slow. (Shello wishes “they” will have a slow death). I hate my post its. I have a gazillion of my to-do-list there and it’s nowhere to be find. I hate it because I think I lost the book. I hate my self-diagnosed selective memory loss. I fucking hate myself because I always wanted to be a writer even I am of no good at it. I fuckingly hate it because I do not know what to do with it now. I fuckingly hate this blog because it is so crappy. I fuckingly hate everything tonight. I have all my fucking hate emotions bottled inside me. I am not going to explode yet and I fuckingly hate it.

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