Sunday, September 03, 2006

It's been along time since... Don't you think. Oh yes, I miss you. Of course!

The world was so cruel that it did not gave me all the time in this world so I can update you. Yeah, you missed a lot baby. I hate to say that as much I hate to get into details what were those things you missed.

I am soo happy right now although there is a thousand reasons not to be. But I embrace life. I celebrate it. :) See, I am less angst driven lately. It's kinda tiring to frown more and more each day.

I feel like a cast of "the Sound Of Music". Singing the "sixteen Going Seventeen" and yet I really am a 60 something old missy with curly short hair. Haha. I want to dance. Whatever it is. I just want to do some tapping of my feet. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

miss yah too myz..